In our event boats, we have a special focus on providing the most prepared assistance from both the technical side and from the personal side in case of an emergency.
The technical structure of our ship makes it absolutely safe to navigate, as well as all the types of equipment which are required to provide a safe environment for all our guests can be found and reached easily on board. We consider it our task to update all the equipment and the continuous training of the staff for everyone's sake.
Our Goal
Our first of all company policy is to acquaint/introduce with as many people as possible the unforgettable and fabulous experience of floating on the Danube River in an enjoyable and of course, within very safe conditions. As it is in our interest that our guests leave the deck smiling, and safely and one day they will return with confidence in their heart since they remember this uplifting experience where they felt released from stress and an absolutely safe environment.
TÁLTOS event and cruise ship
This self-designed, unique, two-story Danube catamaran has been built in recent years is perfectly suited to the unique and enchanting image of the beautiful capital of Hungary. This provides an area at every night from 19.30 pm. for the Hungarian Folklore and Operetta show.
- Year of construction: 2014 (New)
- Type of boat: Passenger ship
- Maximum capacity: 250 p (Number of life jackets: 250 pc)
- Lower deck: 150 p
- Upper deck: 100 p
- Maximum length: 31 m
- Maximum width: 10m
- Maximum dive: 1,56 m
- Displacement of water: 93,0 m3
- Main Machine:
- Number: 2
- Power: 236,0 kW

NIMRÓD event and cruise ship
This uniquely, self-designed, the catamaran was made based on the same principles as his predecessor, Nimrod, who was younger than the other ship. The 2-story catamaran hull stays firmly on the water, alleviating any kind of flutter and making the boat comfortable for a pleasant dinner.
- Year of construction: 2015 (New)
- Type of boat: Passenger ship
- Maximum capacity: 250 p (Number of life jackets: 250 pc)
- Lower deck: 150 p
- Upper deck: 100 p
- Maximum length: 31 m
- Maximum width: 10m
- Maximum dive: 1,56 m
- Displacement of water: 93,0 m3
- Main Machine:
- Number: 2
- Power: 236,0 kW

Fire protection measures / provisions
In addition to the central firefighting system on our board, our ships are equipped with extra fire extinguisher devices, which are – in accordance with the rules - also highlighted by pictograms that are clearly visible for all who are present at the deck. There are 8 such fire extinguisher devices on board on each of our dinner cruises.
Escape routes
The exact and precise plan of the escape route is placed on a central surface in a clearly visible place on board / on the deck of our cruises. This escape route is drawn on the ship’s floor map, which makes it easily understandable for everyone. There are pictograms as well on several points of the ship that shows the way to the nearest gathering places people should go in case of Emergency. These gathering places help save lives because of the passengers gathered there can help each other, and based on the staff's instruction everyone can be an important part of the rescue.

Qualified and trained staff
On our dinner cruises on a daily basis, our staff has all the required qualification which is expected by the Shipping Supervision. Both the ship's captain and his assistant, the operator sailor have their official expert qualifications and have first-aid qualifications as well.
Life-saving equipment
Every ship in our fleet has the necessary rescue devices, whether it is floating devices, such as a rescue ring - which has become a symbol of every water activity, as well as being a real life-saving tool - plays an important role in the rescue. Our dinner cruises have 5-5 rescue rings on each side of the ship, along with the maximum number of life jackets (boat maximum capacity: 250 = life jacket x 250), which helps to save a life in the current direction. We also have on board tools with a hook to lift up things from water and the ship called Nimród has a lifeboat which can be put to the water to help in case of emergency.